Production Sound & Video is the official publication of IATSE Local 695, a Labor Union representing Production Sound Technicians, Video Assist Technicians, Video Engineers and Studio Projectionists. If you ever watch television or go to see a movie, there’s a pretty good chance you’re seeing and hearing our work up there on the screen.
Richard Lightstone CAS AMPS
James Delhauer
I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 695 and IngleDodd Publishing have used their best efforts in collecting and preparing material for inclusion in Production Sound & Video magazine but cannot warrant that the information herein is complete or accurate, and do not assume, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions in Production Sound & Video magazine, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.
Any responsibility is disclaimed for changes, additions, omissions, etc. and IATSE Local 695 is not responsible for soliciting, selecting or printing the advertising contained herein. IngleDodd Publishing accepts advertisers’ statements at face value, including those made in the advertising relative to qualifications, expertise and certifications of advertisers, or concerning the availability or intended usage of equipment which may be advertised for sale or rental. Neither IngleDodd Publishing nor IATSE Local 695 have any responsibility for advertisers’ statements, and have not investigated or evaluated the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information provided by any person or firm listed in Production Sound & Video magazine. Readers should verify claims made in the advertising herein contained, and are requested to report to the Publisher any discrepancies which become known to the Reader.