Sometimes I hear IATSE members say, “I don’t know why the union is so involved in politics.”
This is an understandable sentiment, as politics in our country have become more divisive in the past decade. It is essential that union members understand the role politics play in achieving success within the labor unions’ mission. The fact is, as Business Agents, our primary job is to negotiate the best contracts we possibly can for our members and enforce those contracts, but what we win at the bargaining table can be lost at the ballot box if not supported by our elected officials.
As a union, we need to support candidates who support workers’ rights and labor unions and for this reason, I recommend you consider supporting Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
Vice President Harris has been a friend and ally to the IATSE and the Labor Movement during her time in Washington. She has been a champion for unions for many years. President Biden and Vice President Harris care about union families and I believe that is why he selected her to be his Vice President. I have personally spoken with Kamala regarding labor issues and have seen firsthand how she supports union workers.
In 2021, it was Harris’ tie-breaking vote that helped pass the American Rescue Plan Act that supports union members. This bill provides expanded unemployment benefits, healthcare subsidies, and direct support to trade union members. IATSE members were given the space to voice their needs to the White House, and because of this opportunity, we gained substantial benefits.
In 2022, Harris opened the door for IATSE Organizer Rachel Gitlevich to visit the White House and allowed Gitlevich the opportunity to give her input to the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. Our union’s recommendations on grant funding were reflected in the seventy policy proposals set forth by the Biden-Harris Administration focusing on worker protections and making the federal government a model employer benefiting our members.
Beginning in 2023, the IATSE participated in multiple discussions with the Executive Branch to set guidelines surrounding the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Then, in 2024, Vice President Harris unveiled safe, secure, and responsible AI guidelines for federal agencies, guidelines that were developed with the participation of IATSE and other labor organizations in mind.
Adam Schiff, one of our union’s closest allies in Washington, has endorsed Harris. Adam is a friend of the IATSE and calls Burbank home. Schiff’s support of the union is so strong. He kicked off his Senate campaign in the parking lot of Local 80. His support of Kamala Harris’ candidacy speaks volumes.
We’ve made tremendous improvements in our contract this year, and all of them could be at stake without proper support from Washington. The President appoints the Labor Secretary, who heads the Department of Labor. This position is critical to the union as this official can and will directly affect your daily work life. So, when you vote, look closely at the candidate and ask yourself, do they have my best interest at heart?
In Solidarity,
Scott Bernard