From the Editors
Welcome to the winter edition of Production Sound & Video. Award season is upon us and in full bloom. Our email in-box is busy with multiple reminders of screenings and Guild voting deadlines. Many of us are fortunate to be able to attend these presentations and hear from the filmmakers and cast. Obvious to all of us is the general lack of participation on these panels of the Production Sound Mixer. Hopefully, with a gentle and respectful request of the studios and their publicists, we can turn the tide.
That is what this magazine’s mission is; to inform the entertainment community of everything this Local is about. You are welcome to request additional copies from the Local to distribute this publication to the ‘above the line’ executives and spread the word about our incredible contribution to the crafts.
Willie Burton describes the work on Fences, and La La Land is discussed by Steve Morrow.
Richard interviews James LaFarge, the prolific developer of LectroRM, FreqFinder and Timecard Buddy in “Sound Apps.”
Happy reading.
Fraternally yours,
Richard Lightstone and Mark Ulano