The heat is on and welcome to the summer edition of Production Sound & Video. Bryan Cahill and Ken Strain continue their appraisal of exoskeletons, with an in the field review “Using an Exoskeleton in Real-World Settings.”
I contribute an article on the evolution of sound carts and those that build them with “The Sound Cart Builders.” Co-editor James Delhauer gives us two articles: “As Productions Go Online” and “The 2019 Mac Pro.”
Jim Tanenbaum delves into his informative “How I Got My Godlike Reputation Part 2.”
We report on the 2019 Sound Emmy nominations and the winners of the BAFTA Television Awards for Sound. Jennifer Winslow gives her impressions of being a delegate for the first time at this year’s 75th Annual District 2 Convention held in Hawaii.
Finally, Eva Rismanforoush contributes News & Announcements. This will be her final writing, as Eva has gotten too busy to continue. We thank Eva for all her time and incredible work. Jennifer Winslow picks up the mantle and will be contributing in the fall issue.
Stay cool out there.
Richard Lightstone &
James Delhauer