Let’s hear it for summer!
Understandably, each day feels like the next, all the more reason to dive into the summer issue of Production Sound & Video.
José Antonio Garcia tells us about the challenges and rewards of working with Director Spike Lee on Da 5 Bloods. Shawn Holden writes about the groundbreaking series, The Mandalorian.
Steve Nelson offers us “Increasing Production Efficiency While Working Through a Pandemic” and Co-editor James Delhauer describes how our Video Engineers are preparing to return to work.
Bryan Cahill updates us on Boom Operators using the exoskeleton in “Hands Held High.” Jennifer Winslow continues “News & Announcements,” and I bring you “The Road Back.”
We welcome Scott Marshall as a new contributor covering our awards, starting with the Emmy nominations for sound!
Kick back, and enjoy the read.
Richard Lightstone & James Delhauer