As the sun sets in the fall and we move into winter, productions have resumed and the industry is beginning to awaken from its slumber.
This issue features an overview of Local 695’s firm commitment to diversity and equality in Steve Nelson’s review of the Committee on Equity, Diversity & Outreach. Simon Hayes takes us back to basics with an introspective look at “How Important Is the Production Mix?” Scott Marshall gives us the roundup on this year’s Sound Emmy Award winners. Meanwhile, Willie Burton and team tell us about their work on Christopher Nolan’s Tenet in “Tenet: A Journey.” I also contribute a few anecdotes about recording this year’s MTV Video Music Awards from the (dis)comfort of my own bedroom.
And finally, it is with a mixture of wistfulness and gratitude that we must announce that this will be Jennifer Winslow’s final contribution to our publication’s “News & Announcements” column. Jennifer has graciously dedicated her time and expertise to the betterment of our magazine and we are sad to see her go.
Everybody stay safe and stay healthy.
James Delhauer & Richard Lightstone