We all mourn the senseless and tragic death of Cinematographer and mother, Halyna Hutchins. Personally, I am no stranger to the needless death of our colleagues; twenty-four years ago, my friend, Camera Assistant Brent Lon Herschmann, died on the drive home after a 19-hour day and sadly, on February 20, 2014, I was witness to another unnecessary death, this time, Camera Assistant Sarah Jones on the train trestle bridge in Doctortown, Georgia.
Now we are outraged by the latest avoidable death of another Sister. Management has made all of us responsible for safety on the set. Agree or disagree, we must speak up when there is any unsafe condition! Be aware when you see something—say something, please.
Willie Burton tells us about Spider-Man: No Way Home and Delroy Leon Cornick Jr. explains his use of wireless over fiber.
Anthony Ortiz writes about The Harder They Fall and Ric Teller begins his quarterly column, “Ric Rambles and Reflects.”
Co-editor James Delhauer bench-tests the new M1 Pro & Max Apple computers and Scott Marshall brings us this year’s Emmy sound mixing winners.
We wish you all a belated Happy Hanukah, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Here’s to a busy but SAFE 2022.
In Solidarity,
Richard Lightstone CAS AMPS
and James Delhauer