Welcome to the winter issue of Production Sound & Video. We have a wealth of material for you.
Lisa Piñero tells us about her team’s work on White Noise for Noah Baumbach. Bryan Cahill writes “Defying Gravity” on specialized exercises for Boom Operators. “The We in Union” is about the need for greater inclusion by Jamie Gambell and Drew Kunin discusses Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery.
“Lux Machina and Behind the Scenes of Virtual Production,” featuring Jason Davis. Erik Magnus describes his work on “The Sound Behind the Scenes of Devotion.”
We have the Sound Emmy winners, and Co-editor James Delhauer gives us “Building Solidarity: Why Work Reporting Matters” and Ric Teller regales us with another “Ric Rambles.”
Happy reading and wishing everyone Happy Holidays as the year comes to a close.
In Solidarity,
Richard Lightstone CAS AMPS & James Delhauer