From the Interim Business Agents
AB 1839
On September 18, 2014, Gov. Jerry Brown and members of the California film community gathered in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre to sign Assembly Bill 1839 into law. As a result, IATSE Local 695 members can now expect substantially more job opportunities at home, here in Hollywood. State Assembly member and co-author of the bill, Mike Gatto, announced: “Today, with the stroke of a pen, California is doing something significant to bring good jobs back to our state.”
The state of California will now support the film and television industry to the tune of $1.6 billion in tax incentives over the next five years.
This was not something that just happened overnight; this victory was years in the making and put the IATSE on the map in Sacramento. There were countless people working behind the scenes, meeting one-on-one with key players and walking the halls of the State House. We, the members of the IATSE, now have standing in Sacramento.
I have been fortunate to speak with many of our elected leaders up and down the state and the message you sent with your letters and participation in the rallies in Burbank, San Francisco and Sacramento was impressive. It went a long way to show that the IATSE will not be pushed aside when our jobs are threatened.
On Sunday, October 26, we held a celebratory rally at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu, where many political leaders came to thank you for standing up and bringing this bill home. “Production and production jobs aren’t running away from California, they’re being lured away … but that stops today,” proclaimed Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.
There are way too many people to thank for the countless hours of work fighting for this much-needed tax incentive. I’m proud to report to you that Local 695, its leadership and members were right there on the front line leading the charge.
So now I say, “Let’s get back to work.”
Scott Bernard
Interim Business Agent