Here we are in the new year, 2019. I always think of this time of year as a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. I sit quietly and review my goals list from this time last year and draw from it a starting point for setting down my goals for this new year coming. I usually break it down into categories: Family, Friends, Health, Creativity, Projects, Continuing Education, Finances, etc.
My wife and I have this tradition of New Year’s Day being quiet, reflective, and not a day for social interaction. Rather, we have dedicated this time to look within. Over the years, it appears that actually writing down goals dramatically increases the likelihood of them coming to pass for us. I’m not sure why this is, but I know if I don’t perform the simple ritual of committing a goal to print, it just isn’t as probable to achieve it. It doesn’t seem to matter how large or small the goal is.
I suspect this may have something to do with the way our brains work. Different neural paths or connections are made when writing it down. I should probably do the research on this but, somehow I just enjoy the process and appreciate the outcomes.
I have a few guidelines that I try to apply with this process; I try not to judge others so much, I try to come from a loving place, and I try to remember that I am not responsible for the choices of others.
I also try to stay connected with what seems most important and it’s not a long list really. My kids, family and friends, and the work I’ve been passionate about in my life. My father had a saying that he lived by: he would say that he didn’t have a budget for a bad day. This has stuck with me as an important affirmation. The older I get, the more I see the wisdom in this as the precious gift of each day becomes more apparent. I remind myself of Spencer Tracy’s advice to not take myself so seriously but to work hard at whatever I’m committed to. I think it’s a good combo.
I recently saw a joyous documentary, If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast. The plot summary states: “Carl Reiner presents the stories of people in the over-ninety age category who display exceptional success in combating common aspects of aging. Growing old is what you make of it. The stars of this show sing, dance, joke, and philosophize about how to stay young at heart.” This sticks with me and has added a few items to this year’s goals list…
Warm regards to all of you. May 2019 successfully reflect your heartfelt goals. Thank you all so very much for including my family and I in the special Local 695 community.
Mark Ulano CAS AMPS
IATSE Local 695