Highlights From 1st Quarter Membership Meeting

Todd Lindgren of Film L.A. Inc., the organization that coordinates and processes film permits in Los Angeles, spoke to the membership about their media campaign, Film Works. Partnering with studios, supply companies, entertainment unions, and anyone else affected by runaway production, Film Works www.filmworksla.com is getting the message out that local film production is good for the whole community.
Todd presented the Film Works campaign, an ongoing advertising effort to acquaint people with the many technicians involved in production and their contributions to their local communities. He handed out bumper and window stickers, and also highlighted donated media, such as billboards and a PSA that will run before each feature at the Mann Theater chain. They are also compiling videos of film and television workers telling their own stories, which can be viewed at www.youtube.com/filmworksla. They encourage film and video workers to upload their own videos to provide material for additional ads so the site may show a wide diversity of affected people.
Seth & Kriky’s Sound BBQ
Seth Gilbert and Michael “Kriky” Krikorians’ Fifth Annual Sound Department BBQ is being planned for June. Great food, BYOB, and a great networking opportunity with fellow Soundies! To get on their mailing list, send an email to soundbbq@kriky.com or visit Kriky & Seth’s Sound Department BBQ on Facebook.
FCC Licensing Project

Jay Patterson, CAS and Tim Holly made a presentation on FCC Low Power Broadcast Auxiliary Licensing for Audio and Video Production. Jay and Tim went through the process involved in obtaining a license, and described the advantages that the production sound and video community would have as licensed operators. As Jay tells it, “With sound and video operators licensed in the frequency bands that they operate in, they will fully understand the responsibilities and regulations that come with obtaining a license, and consequently have FCC protection against infringing non-licensed operators, such as white space devices. Importantly, as licensed operators, they will now have a voice with the FCC in the use of these frequencies.” For more information, go to www.local695.com/html/rf-info.html
J.L.Fisher BBQ

The spring/summer season started off with sizzle at the J.L.Fisher annual BBQ on Saturday, May 14, 2011. There were tours of the facilities, panel discussions by ASC members, demonstrations of all sorts of camera support gear and lots of good food. And there was a chance to try one’s hand at cueing a Fisher boom under the supervision of Local 695 members Laurence Abrams and Andy Rovins.
Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes has authored bill AB1069, which is being introduced to the California State Assembly. This bill seeks to extend the California Film & Television Tax Credit through 2019, giving film and television producers a long-term incentive to shoot in California.

Jeff Wexler Receives CAS Career Achievement Award
Jeffrey Wexler, CAS was presented with the Career Achievement Award at the 47th Annual CAS Awards, February 19, 2011, at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel. Jeff was a pioneer in the early days of digital audio tape and then file-based recording. He has been active in many organizations, is currently a Trustee on the Board of Directors for Local 695, and is an active speaker at seminars and discussion groups, including his own at www.jwsound.net. Jeff’s impressive body of work spans four decades of feature film production. When Jeff was selected for this award, CAS President Edward Moskowitz told us, “The Cinema Audio Society’s credo is ‘dedicated to the Advancement of Sound.’ We search for an individual who exemplifies this spirit, and Jeff has certainly met and surpassed this goal.”
Darryl Linkow 1945-2011

Brother Darryl Linkow, CAS passed away on February 12, 2011. In 2009, Darryl went through treatment for esophageal cancer and beat the disease. However, the lingering weakness from the old radiation treatments robbed his ability to fight off an infection he caught during a recent unrelated surgery. Darryl was a longtime member of the Local as a production sound mixer. He was an enthusiast for electronica music, especially rock & roll, and a ham radio operator. As an amateur radio operator, Darryl, KE6IHA, was an important part of the L.A. County Disaster Communications Service for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Lost Hills Division, for more than 20 years. Darryl joined Local 695 in 1980, working in features, sports, episodic and commercials in his early years. He transitioned primarily into ENG as that field opened up in the ’80s and spent most of the last 20 years in news, documentaries and magazine shows. He was a familiar face for Entertainment Tonightand The Insider on red carpet lines at all the major award shows. He also worked for CBS, NBC and ABC. Those who knew Darryl remember him as friendly, knowledgeable, loyal, and opinionated as hell. He was a good friend—available, helpful, and almost always ready to render advice. Darryl was always there for his friends, and he made a lot of friends. He loved a good discussion— or argument—about the correct ways of recording, mixing, mic’ing, or setting up radios. I think he enjoyed the discussions as much as doing the work, but above all, Darryl was a damn good sound guy. Darryl leaves behind Karen, his wife of 32 years.
–Andy Rovins, CAS & Bill Bass
In Memoriam
BERNIE CELEK – Maintenance Engineer
April 2, 1948 – April 5, 2011
March 31, 1931 – April 1, 2011
Feb. 13, 1945 – Feb. 19, 2011
Aug. 30, 1945 – Feb. 12, 2011
Sept. 3, 1962 – Feb. 9, 2011