Good News for US Labor Unions

Less than a year ago, we reported on a congressional bill, H.R. 785, the National Right-to-Work (RTW) Act. H.R. 785 aims at defunding and decimating public and private sector labor unions on a federal level. Since its introduction to the House floor in March of 2017, it has gained 129 Republican co-sponsors and is currently under review by the House Committee of Education and Workforce.
Last year’s Republican stronghold in the House and Senate was an impasse for organized labor. However, the midterms of November 2018 turned the tides in the House of Representatives. Moving the bill into the Senate requires a simple majority of 218 of 435 votes. As of January 2019, Republicans only hold 199 seats in the House. The odds of this bill reaching the Senate are significantly lower than in the last election cycle, however, supporters of right-to-work legislation are very well funded and relentless in their mission. Since 1946, twenty-seven states have adopted right-to-work laws in an effort to destroy American unions.
The Democratic House majority is a welcome temporary roadblock against the National Right-to-Work bill, but the think tanks responsible for crafting the legislation have been quite successful in implementing RTW laws in individual states and will remain vigilant in the 2020 Congressional election.
To view all co-sponsors and actions for H.R. 785, please visit congress.gov.
IATSE Local 695 Supports UTLA Teachers
During the week of January 14, 2019, Local 695 officers and the Young Workers Committee adopted East Valley STEM High School in support of the United Teachers of Los Angeles.

LA Sound Mixers 2019 Coffee Kickoff
Gene Martin and the Audio Department crew deserve a huge thank-you for allowing us to overrun their place of business for this event on January 2, 2019. Seventy-eight people came out making this the largest Coffee Kickoff. This brings the sound community back together after our holiday hiatus. Copious amounts of caffeine were consumed, new friendships were made, and old relationships were strengthened. This was the third event which was organized by Chris Howland CAS.

LA Sound Mixers Holiday Brunch & Brews 2018

The LA Sound Mixers Holiday Brunch & Brews event took place on December 9, 2018, with one hundred and forty-two people in attendance. Everyone had a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and reflect on 2018. This marks the fifth year for the event which was capped off by an audio manufacturer-sponsored raffle. The event was organized by CAS members Chris Howland, Steve Morantz, and Devendra Cleary.
Young Workers
Welcome New Members!

Cheyenne Wood, Heather Fink, John Wassel, Phil Jackson, Steven Allmendinger, Monson Douglas, Zachary Porter, and Grant Greene, welcome to the Local 695 Young Workers Committee!
Join us for the annual HomeWalk 2019! Like last year, we will again join forces with our fellow I.A.T.S.E. locals and Angelinos for the United Way annual fundraiser to end homelessness in Los Angeles. The 5k run/walk will kick off in Grand Park DTLA on Saturday, May 18, 2019. Over the last decade, HomeWalk participants raised more than $8.6 million and housed 19k people.
For registration, please contact us at
ywc@local695.com or visit
New Members
Local 695 Welcomes Its New Members
Evan L. Eder Y-1
Samuel Young Y-1
Raed Hassouneh A2/SB
Cheyenne Wood Y-4
Jeffrey Tungyoo Y-4
Joshua Gardner A2/SB
Lara Jessen Y-4
Thi Dinh Y-1
Kevin Coons Y-8
Ian Gutierrez A2
Ivan Zabaluyev Y-7A
Doug Pearson Y-1
Joe Sanchez Y-1
Peter Joyce Y-4
Matthew Brucell Y-3
Justin White Y-4
Maksim Osadchenko Y-4
Christopher Haynes Y-4