Local 695 Officers Start New Three-Year Term
The January 15 Executive Board meeting began with the swearing in of the Officers of Local 695, with IATSE Vice President Michael F. Miller administering the oath.
We welcome two new officers this term: Executive Board member Jeff Wexler, who has served on the Board previously, and Trustee Peggy Names.
Returning Officers are Business Agent James Osburn; President Mark Ulano; Vice President Jay Patterson; Secretary-Treasurer Susan Moore-Chong; Recording Secretary Elizabeth Alvarez; Sergeant-at-Arms Dean Striepeke; Executive Board members Laurence B. Abrams, Scott Bernard, Courtney Goodin, Richard Lightstone and Andy Rovins; Board of Trustees Gene Cantamessa and Eric Pierce.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to departing Officers Alan Bernard and Agamemnon Andrianos for their service to the members of Local 695.
James Osburn Receives Honorary CAS Membership

At the September 25, 2010 Local 695 General Membership meeting, Edward Moskowitz, President the Cinema Audio Society, presented Business Representative James Osburn with an honorary CAS membership. In order for one to be granted an honorary membership, they must be approved by the CAS Board of Directors unanimously.
Mr. Moskowitz tells us that membership in the CAS is earned by dedication to a person’s craft, demonstrated by the duration of service performing their craft, and represents a level of respect that has been earned after many years, and knowledge, experience, preparation and teamwork are traits that the Board of Directors considers when granting membership.
In his speech, Edward told the audience “(Jim Osburn) has worked tirelessly for more than 40 years to demonstrate these many goals of the CAS. He has worked in many parts of the sound industry and has been a leader to many people in this room today. His production credits cover a broad range, including The Great Gatsby, The Wild Bunch, Chinatown, Ol’ Blue Eyes, The Godfather, The Godfather: Part II, Marathon Man, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Titanic.”
James A. Osburn, CAS joins a list of honorary CAS members that include Leo Chaloukian, Richard Topham, Sr. and Ray Dolby.
Education & Training Programs for Members Not on the Industry Experience Roster
Certain training programs funded by Contract Services are only available to members on the Industry Experience Roster. However, some 695 members aren’t required to be on the Roster if they work, for example, at KTLA, KCET or on certain sports broadcast productions under Contracts not covered by the Basic and Local Agreements. But if you’ve worked at least 100 days in your job classification over the past three years, you probably do meet the Roster requirements. You may want to consider pursuing Roster placement in order to become eligible for some of our training programs as well as to possibly expand your work opportunities outside of the area in which you are currently employed. Log on to www.csatf.org for complete details regarding Roster placement. If you have questions regarding documentation, contact Kim Pryor at Contract Services at Roster.Specialist2@csatf.org or at (818) 565-0550 ext.1112.
Your Weingarten Rights
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the National Labor Relations Act gives workers the right to request Union representation during investigatory interviews by supervisors, security personnel, and other managerial staff. These are called Weingarten Rights. NLRB v.J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251, 88 LRRM 2689 (U.S. Sup. Ct. 1975)
An investigatory interview occurs if 1) management questions you to obtain information; and 2) you have reasonable apprehension that your answers could be used as a basis for discipline or other adverse action.
You must ask for Union representation either before or during an investigatory interview. Management does not have to remind you of this right.
If your request is refused and management continues asking questions, you may refuse to answer. Your employer is guilty of an unfair labor practice and charges may be filed.
If you are questioned in a situation where Weingarten may apply, read or present the following statement:
“If this interview could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my Union Representative, Officer or Steward be present at this meeting. Until my Representative arrives; I choose not to participate in this discussion.”
New HBO Contract
International President Matt Loeb has informed us that the IA has negotiated a new contract with HBO Entertainment that will result in increased wages and higher benefit contributions for HBO productions. In addition, and for the first time, the bargaining committee negotiated a bonus payment to all employees of HBO Entertainment in 2010.
IATSE Convention Delegates
Scott Bernard, John S. Coffey, Elizabeth S. Alvarez and Edward Moskowitz were elected as convention Delegates for Local 695, and will join Business Representative James Osburn and President Mark Ulano at the 66th IATSE Quadrennial Convention in Boston.
In Memoriam
April 19, 1921 – Nov. 11, 2010