James Delhauer

James Delhauer was born in Southern California and never made it very far from home. Since 2014, he has worked as a television engineer specializing in Pronology’s mRes platform. He joined Local 695 because he desperately needed friends. James is Co-editor of Production Sound & Video.
Ron Judkins

Ron Judkins has enjoyed a forty-plus-year career as a Production Sound Mixer with two Oscars for his work on Jurassic Park and Saving Private Ryan—while being lucky enough to do a bit of writing and directing along the way.
Richard Lightstone CAS AMPS

Richard began his career in Montreal, and continues to mix in Los Angeles. He is the Co-editor of Production Sound & Video, served on the Executive Board of Local 695, and President of the Cinema Audio Society for two terms.
Eva Rismanforoush

Eva Rismanforoush is a Utility Sound Technician who has been a member of Local 695 for almost a decade. During her time with the union, she has served as a member of the Local’s Board of Directors and as a part of the Young Workers Committee. Her dream is to retire and start a rescue for ugly dogs and expired farm animals.
Omar Cruz Rodriguez

Omar Cruz is a Video Engineer and Playback specialist who specializes in Video Wall technology.
Ric Teller

I’ve been very fortunate in my more than forty years working in television, going places, and doing things that a kid from a small town in Nebraska could not have imagined.