Local 695 congratulates the Emmy recipients for Outstanding Sound Mixing and their production teams
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (ONE-Hour)
House “Bombshells” FOX
Von Varga, Juan Cisneros, Joseph DeAngelis, Brad North, Ken Strain, Mark Agostino, Bobby Watkins, Laurence Abrams, Linda Murphy
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a MINISERIES or Movie
The Kennedys “Lancer and Lace” ReelzChannel
Henry Embry CAS, Frank Morrone CAS, Stephen Traub, Larold Rebhun, Denis Bellingham, Zack Hunter
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy or Drama Series (Half-Hour) & Animation
Family Guy “Road to the North Pole” FOX
Patrick Clark, James F. Fitzpatrick CAS
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Variety or Music Series or Special
American Idol “Finale” FOX
Ed Greene CAS, Randy Faustino, Patrick Baltzell CAS, Michael Parker, Gary Long, Brian Riordan CAS, Christian Schrader, Debbie Fecteau, Dennis Mays, Ric Teller, Ryan Young, Billy McCarge
Outstanding Sound Mixing for NONFICTION PROGRAMMING
Deadliest Catch “Redemption Day” Discovery Channel
Bob Bronow, CAS