’Tis the Season

It’s the holiday season and the staff and I would like to wish everyone a joyous holiday. 2015 has flown by, but not without some exciting changes at the Local. I, along with our dedicated staff, continue to look for ways to improve our service to the membership.
We have a target date by the first of the year to launch our new Membership Services Software which will have added benefits to the membership. This new software will be replacing a system that has been in use since the late ’80s. Once the new system is up and running, you will receive information on the new features.
Local 695 just submitted our training proposal to CSATF with many new training opportunities. These new classes keep our members up to date on the latest technologies. Input from the membership helps us design these training programs, so please continue to let us know where we need to add additional training.
We’re seeing the number of shows in production grow and that means it’s more important than ever to report your work to the Local. You can do so online 24/7 at www.local695.com. Our production- tracking data is only as complete as the information we receive from you and the employers. With more than five thousand productions already in our database, we have a good history of the work and of the employers over the past eight years. This historical information helps with grievances and contract negotiations, so keep it coming. Every show counts and the more information we have, the better we can help you.
At the last membership meeting, you heard about the current grievances filed by Local 695 to protect your work opportunities. We feel good about the potential outcome and will keep you posted as they progress. If you see any non-Local 695 member performing our bargaining unit work, call the Local. You are the eyes and ears for all your Brothers and Sisters. If you could not make the last meeting, please mark your calendar for the first quarter General Membership Meeting on Saturday, January 16, 2016.
Local 695 is growing in both membership and membership participation. As I have mentioned before, this is what makes the difference when it comes time to sit down and negotiate a new contract or work out almost any issue. I’m honored and proud to lead Local 695, the technical crown jewel of the IATSE.
Stay tuned for more exciting news in 2016. Your Board of Directors is leading the way for some exciting changes, so stop by, see the growth, see the changes and give us input. This is your union.
Scott Bernard
Business Representative